My day in City Academy by Tahmenah
Can I tell you
all about my day in City
Academy? If so let me
tell you all about it.
So First, we
went in a hall which was a sports hall. And we’ve did P.E in there but it was
really easy to be honest. So we did lots of stuff like handball toss and stomp
long jump. And we did those stuff because we want to be fit. So when we did
some we had a break.
So After, P.E we
had a short break and a guy came and he was a special footballer. Everyone got
his autograph and the P.E lesson was over.
After that, we
did science and we had to see a lamb heart and I said “YUCK” but it was
disgusting. We had to wear goggles and gloves we wore them because it needs to
protect our eyes and to keep our hands clean. Then we used a scalpel to cut the
heart and it is used for cutting.
Did you know
there facilities are so wow because they have good laptops and brilliant iPods.
And they have a massive hall and something they have we don’t have.
Then, it was the
end of the day and I really enjoyed the whole day because it was so fun and I
really look forward going back.